Blom Kartta is the leading Finnish private company in collecting, processing and modelling of geospatial data. They have a wide selection of services built around geospatial data, and Blom Kartta offers data to its customers also through spatial web services to area of whole Finland. They collect geospatial data using field measurements, laser scanning, aerial photography, oblique aerial photography etc.. All collected data are refined to products such as 3D models, tailor made rasters and vectors data sets like forest inventory data or maps which are used by end customers.
It is very important for the company that the services are reliably available for its customers and that the response time of services is good. In addition the company wants to verify in real time 24/7 the status of the services. Blom Kartta chose Spatineo Monitor to ensure the quality of all their spatial web services.
Blom Kartta has a wide customer base in Finland, which consists of municipalities, public sector organisations and private companies that utilize geospatial data to their businesses.