Think it was just a couple of months ago when we wrote the “Year of Accomplishments and Success” blogpost about 2017, and now we’re already on the verge of 2019! How has our year 2018 been and why it was so great for us? And what are our expectations for 2019?

CEO Greetings

“Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! The year 2018 has been an exciting year for us and our customers. We have seen our customers flourish and we have been able to grow our team and develop our expertise even further. Our team has been able to help customers with spatial data delivery, analytics and discovery as well as data-driven decision making and crop monitoring using machine learning. We love a good challenge and our customers trust that we can deliver. I’m excited to see what 2019 brings us and what we can bring to you!”

Sampo Savolainen, CEO of Spatineo

Impactful Year 2018

During 2018 we had the privilege to see and meet with most of our international customers! Conferences such as INSPIRE2018 and JIIDE enabled us to have an actual face to face meetings. Several conversations and excellent feedback (to base our development in the future!) was something that definitely stands out from 2018.

We also wanted to once again give something back to the geospatial community, and we did that with Spatineo Availability Certificates. We offered free certification to any organisation that has spatial web services. We gave dozens of certificated during 2018, and hopefully we can continue in this path in upcoming conferences as well! If you want your services certified, you can shoot us an email to our general mailbox, and we’ll sort you out an certificate as soon as possible!

This year we had a privilege to assist our customers in several of their challenging projects. We have seen how geospatial industry has had a special drive in Europe as well as in Finland. The Report on spatial data policy was published and accepted in the Parliament of Finland. The Report discusses the types of spatial data are needed in the society, how their production, management and distribution is developed and how their use is promoted.

One of the interesting projects we did this year was to study and analyze what is the potential economic value of spatially enabled services in Finland. The study also assessed the economic impact of the national Geospatial Platform. A beta version of the platform is available for users and it includes for example intelligent search for spatial data sets and services that was developed by Spatineo.

Our study has been cited in several conferences, and Jaana & Luukas have both had presentations about it during this autumn. We hope that results of the study inspire all of us that work with spatial data and technologies to innovate new services and solutions in ecosystems such as built environment and health and social services. This was just one of many of our “Spatineo Impact” projects we have done so far, and more about the current projects will reach you once the time is ready!

INSPIRE Conference 2018 Spatineo FMI Availability Certificate

More knowledge, more consulting

As previously mentioned, in 2018 we started to steer more towards consulting and project based work. Our capacity to give consulting to our customers greatly improved, as two new professionals Sanna and Riitta joined Spatineo this autumn.

The knowledge we have accumulated throughout the years is what we want to share to our customers: solving our customers problems and challenges is what we have become good at. Our extensive knowledge over OGC and INSPIRE standards, quality of services, performance testing, impact assessment, compatibility validation and several other topics enable us to assist our customers in even the toughest challenges.

Sanna Hautala Spatineo GIS Junior Consultant 2018
Riitta geospatial consulting

Kick-Off for Geospatial Awesomeness in 2019

Just by looking at out calendar for the upcoming year, we can state that things are about to get hectic! Webinars, conferences, new projects and new employees dawn in our near future.

Webinar season will start in January as we will be hosting couple of webinars to kickstart the year. Stay tuned for the registration, so you don’t miss these gems!

Conferences/Seminars will be also kickstarted in January. Past and upcoming events can be viewed from our Events-page for more information and to look our presentations.

Trends and topics for 2019 are now getting clearer and clearer, and we can state that next year will bring our industry into wider scope of audiences. Impactfulness of open data has had quite the success this year across the globe, and we believe that this trend will be even stronger in 2019. API-economy will thrive with open data, and spatial data is at the hearth of many applications we use today. Continuation of this will only make spatial data even more crucial on the future.

We are currently thriving towards new projects, and we promise to let you know about these when the times comes. So be sure to follow our social media channels to stay updated.

Happy Holidays to everyone, and until next year!

Follow us on social media to stay updated about upcoming year!
