
The GDI-Südhessen is a working community in the federal state of Hessen in Germany.  GDI-Südhessen was founded as a project in 2005 and one of the the main goals has been to develop a regional SDI that enables easy sharing and availability of geospatial data beyond borders of districts. From those days GDI-Südhessen has expanded into a large geospatial player in the region.

GDI Südhessen acquired Spatineo Monitor to ensure the high quality of spatial web services of their SDI. As their goal is to publish accurate and extensive geospatial data, Spatineo Monitor enables them to monitor the availability of the spatial web services so that users get the maximum potential of geospatial data..

GDI Südhessen obtained Spatineo Monitor as a part of Wetransform’s INSPIRE GIS platform. As these products complement each other, GDI Südhessen gains full value of their process chain in managing, updating and publishing their geospatial data. As high availability is a necessity, in order to reach INSPIRE standards INSPIRE>>GIS and Spatineo Monitor ensure that development of geospatial data and services will continue and that statistics are measured in a reliable way.
Read in-depth case study about GDI-Südhessen, written by Wetransform, here.

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