This month, Spatineo introduces Isogeo, a provider of complementary solutions for your spatiaI data infrastructure.

Isogeo is an innovative company which was founded in 2009. Its aim is to help public and private organizations using GIS to optimize the use, sharing and benefit of their spatial data. They work with cities and municipalities, but also with regions and governmental organisations – and in general with all organisations that use spatial data. Their solution is targeted to IT department, and more particularly the GIS department which is in charge of collecting and managing spatial data as well as of creating maps and land surveying in themes such as city planning and education. For such tasks the department needs to collect spatial data from different services and that is time consuming and might have to rely on inaccurate or unreliable data. The typical challenges faced by public organizations are as follows: access to spatial data, the reliability of the data and the ways to deliver and to share the data.

Search for and find your data

Search for and find your data


To ease these pains, Isogeo has created and commercialized a web-based platform that allows public organizations to discover, inventory, document and share spatial data.

A complete inventory for general overview of your data

A complete inventory for general overview of your data


He is an example from the Urban Community of Plaine Centrale and the City of Créteil (for other business cases, please check Isogeo website). They used Isogeo’s solution to tackle the four following challenges:

  • To give all parties from GIS specialists to typical users an easy access to spatial data
  • To create tools for sharing data with partners (other public organizations or spatial data distribution nodes)
  • To comply with the European and French legislation, such as the INSPIRE Directive
  • To start an Open Data project

The right data to the right person

The right data to the right person


With Isogeo, it took less than a year to solve these four challenges. This was thanks to an efficient 3-step process:

  • A complete inventory of spatial data was created for better overview of the available data
  • The documentation of these data which allows to have more reliable data.
  • The sharing of spatial data through a common platform which enables to start an Open Data project for citizens and private organisations.

Plaine Centrale Urban Community’s Open Data Geoportal

Plaine Centrale Urban Community’s Open Data Geoportal


City of Créteil’s Open Data Geoportal

City of Créteil’s Open Data Geoportal


For more information, please do not hesitate to visit our website or contact us directly at