The Swiss Organisation for Geographic Information (SOGI) unites professional associations, administration departments and companies to support the application and the use of geographic information in Switzerland. SOGI maintains the interdisciplinary experience and information exchange in the special field of geographic information, the cooperation of the members among each other, as well as the distribution and the use of geographical information in Switzerland.

In March 2016, Spatineo decided to join SOGI as a company member to take part in the interactive knowledge transfer about the importance and the usage of quality assurance of spatial services. Furthermore, we will be informed about the latest developments and the forthcoming events respective geographical information in Switzerland and we can actively participate in one of the professional groups regarding GIS technologies. Additionally, the membership makes it easier for Swiss organisations to find out about Spatineo and to get in touch with us. The membership is an excellent possibility for Spatineo to take part in the development of the Swiss geospatial data infrastructure. We are looking forward to a good cooperation!
