The City of Oulu in Finland has started to open several data sets for public use free of charge. The aim of publishing open data is to enhance the amount of open public data and its utilisation among citizens, companies, communities, education and research. When it comes to spatial data sets, the guide map of the city is one example of the data that is freely available. More and more spatial data is delivered to users through spatial APIs and therefore the quality assurance of these services has become even more important. With Spatineo Monitor, the City of Oulu gets detailed analytics on the quality and usage of their services. Accurate monitoring data enables them to maintain continuous quality of services as well as to react to possible deviations immediately. With accurate usage follow-up, the city can both show the development of usage amounts of their services and focus the development resources on most used spatial datasets. In addition, official INSPIRE reports can be created automatically which results in significant time savings.
