1.) Name, title, what you will be doing at Spatineo?
Hi! I am Isabel Donner, a master’s degree student at Aalto University. I work at Spatineo as a GIS consultant trainee. I will be working part-time alongside my studies.
2.) What do you do at Spatineo in practice? Tell us what kind of cases, projects and work you will be doing in the future!
I work as part of the development and consultancy team. My tasks are related to assisting team members in customer projects and in administrative tasks. My first task here at Spatineo relates to capability and impact assessment, which is very interesting!
3.) What is the best thing about your work?
The best thing about my work is that I get to learn something new every day from my colleagues and the projects. I am looking forward to trying out different tasks and developing my own skills. Moreover, the work is very flexible and easy to combine with my studies. The work provides a concrete background to theory that I learn at the university.
4.) What technologies (geospatial or not) fascinate you the most? What technologies should be utilized more in the future?
I am currently taking a course about network analysis. I find it interesting how different problems can be solved using network theory, and it would be interesting to see more of it used also in spatial modeling.